Urbex in Chatham

Chatham Glue Factory

Before leaving Chatham, we decided to do some wandering around and somewhat accidentally happened upon an abandoned glue factory. Most of these photos are from the factory, which was in a forest right beside a residential neighbourhood filled with small, post-war houses. The ruin seemed to get a lot of traffic, judging by the amount of footprints around there and the paintball marks all over the pillars. I bet it would be a hell of a place to play.

Near the end of this set, there are also a couple photos of birds. This was actually the biggest murder of crows I have ever seen in my life. They were blocking the small rural road we were driving on, flying away to the empty corn fields and the leafless trees every time a car would disturb them. In general, Chatham seemed like it was filled with crows. This was by far the largest group we saw, but they were around every corner in that area.


    • Yeah, it’s pretty clear lots of people have been around there, but there isn’t much like that in Kitchener where I’m from. It’s pretty cool that there’s just abandoned stuff sitting there.

  1. Lol, we just went there on the 8th to make a counter strike video. You are right this is a hell of a place to play, we played airsoft almost every weekend of the summer after corn detassling.

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